Thursday, 19 February 2009

Open mic night at the Hope & Anchor

A friend asked me to go to an open mic night at the Hope & Anchor in Highbury last night. Of course I said yes, as it would mean an evening of just relaxing and listening to music. The Hope & Anchor in Highbury does open mic nights every Wednesday where young and not so young people can show their talent.

The first guy performing does songs with a touch of humour to them. One of them is about working shit jobs, which makes the audience giggle.

The second act is two women who play very peaceful music. One of them plays the piano, while the other one sings. They play the sort of music you can sink into and take in.
Not everybody is as talented as those women and some of the people performing could do with a bit of practice. I still applaud their courage to go up on stage and show their creative ability. Just that is something I would never do.

The atmosphere in the basement of the Hope & Anchor is calm an familiar. A lot of the people there seem to know each other from before.

Open mic night is a bit like a new sweater. After having worn it a few times and it's really comfortable, you get into the habit of wearing it all the time.


  1. Hei, der oppdaget jeg bloggen din:) Det høres ut som et interessant prosjekt du driver med. Gøy å teste ut forskjellig musikk.

  2. Ja, det er kjempegoy. Har det artig med det. Har du noen band aa foreslaa? Det kan vaere hva som helst.

  3. Jeg skal si ifra når jeg kommer på noe! :)

  4. Hey Hey!

    I performed there along a talented duo called The Everetts, who do you think did better?
